Beyond Reading and Writing: Information Literacy in Higher Education for Lifelong Success


  • Marta Angelica Mercado-Sierra Texas A&M University-Commerce
  • Sarah H. Northam Texas A&M-Commerce


Information Literacy, Higher Education, Faculty-Librarian Collaboration, Student Success, Lifelong Learning


Information Literacy is critical to finding, evaluating, using, and creating information. It also influences how we navigate daily life, workplace environments, and civic participation. Several Information Literacy standards state that it is a human right. Everyone should have access to the necessary tools to develop their information literacy skills. We argue that students transitioning from high school to college are not college prepared for practicing information literacy. Faculty and Librarians both undertake the work to teach information literacy. Still, it would be more effective for Faculty-Librarian partnerships to utilize strengths in their discipline areas to teach information literacy skills.


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