Transforming Schooling for Second Language Learners: A Review


  • Paul Parkerson Student
  • Juan Borda Student


Multilingual, Emerging Bilingual, Translanguaging, Linguistic Repertoire



This text offers a holistic review of the book Transforming Schooling for Second Language Learners, edited by Mariana Pacheco, P. Zitlali Morales, and Colleen Hamilton. The book is divided into four sections: Theoretical Insights, Transformative Policies, Transformative Pedagogies, and Transformative Practices. The reviewers have endeavored to create a review that follows this format, which highlights particular chapters and instances that caught their attention in light of current multilingual education, pedagogy, policy, and theory in the United States. Opinions and insights regarding the narratives and examples are included throughout. The conclusion focuses on the strengths, values, and potential purposes of this book.


Aldana, U.S. & Martinez, D.C. (2019). Reimagining the educational environment in California for emergent bilinguals: The implications of the passage of Proposition 58. In M.Pacheco, P. Z. Morales, & C. Hamilton, (Eds.), Transforming schooling for second language learners: Theoretical insights, policies, pedagogies and practices (pp. 81-100). Information Age Publisher.

Cortéz, A., & Gutiérrez, K.D. (2019). Socio-spatial repertoires as tools for resistance and expansive literacies. In M. Pacheco, P. Z. Morales, & C. Hamilton, (Eds.), Transforming schooling for second language learners: Theoretical insights, policies, pedagogies and practices (pp. 123-142). Information Age Publisher.

Ek, L. D., Garza, A., and García, A. (2019). Biliteracy as emotional practice: Latina/o children building relationship through digital literacy at an afterschool technology program. In M. Pacheco, P. Z. Morales, & C. Hamilton, (Eds.), Transforming schooling for second language learners: Theoretical insights, policies, pedagogies and practices (pp. 217-236). Information Age Publisher.

Faulstich Orellana, M., Martinez, K., Franco, J., Rodríguez, G.B., Johnson, S.J., Rodríguez-Minkoff, A.C., & Rodríguez, L. (2019). Transforming teaching in multilingual communities: Towards a transcultural pedagogy of heart and mind. In M. Pacheco, P. Z. Morales, & C. Hamilton, (Eds.), Transforming schooling for second language learners: Theoretical insights, policies, pedagogies and practices (pp. 143-158). Information Age Publisher.

Freire, P. (2018). Pedagogy of the oppressed. Bloomsbury publishing USA.

Hamilton, C. & Pacheco, M . (2019). Bilingual youth and networks of support: Designing a formula for success on the path to college.In M. Pacheco, P. Z. Morales, & C. Hamilton, (Eds.), Transforming schooling for second language learners: Theoretical insights, policies, pedagogies and practices (pp. 199-216). Information Age Publisher.

Hopkins, M. & Brezicha, K. (2019). Transforming school district policy for emergent bilinguals in new immigrant destinations: The role of community-based organizations. In M. Pacheco, P. Z. Morales, & C. Hamilton, (Eds.), Transforming schooling for second language learners: Theoretical insights, policies, pedagogies and practices (pp. 63-80). Information Age Publisher.

Martínez, R. A., Hikida, M., & Durán, L. (2019). Translanguaging and the transformation of classroom space: On the affordances of disrupting linguistic boundaries. In M. Pacheco, P. Z. Morales, & C. Hamilton, (Eds.), Transformingschooling for second language learners: Theoretical insights, policies, pedagogies and practices (pp. 181-198). Information Age Publisher.

Pacheco, M., Morales, P. Z., & Hamilton, C. (Eds). (2019). Transforming schooling for second language learners: Theoretical insights, policies, pedagogies and practices. Information Age Publisher, 286 pp. ISBN: 918-1-64113-507-8.

Razfar, A. (2019). Spinning Trump’s language: Cracking the code and transforming identities and ideologies. In M. Pacheco, P. Z. Morales, & C. Hamilton, (Eds.), Transforming schooling for second language learners: Theoretical insights, policies, pedagogies and practices (pp. 21-42). Information Age Publisher.

Stillman, J. (2019). How school-level practices transform federal and state policies: One dual-immersion school’s response to the Common Core State Standards. In M. Pacheco, P. Z. Morales, & C. Hamilton, (Eds.), Transforming schooling for second language learners: Theoretical insights, policies, pedagogies and practices (pp. 101-120). Information Age Publisher.

First page of the book review "Transforming Schooling for Second Language Learners: A Review"






Invited Column: Biliteracy in Texas