Self-Directed Kindergarten Writers


  • Katie Schrodt Middle Tennessee State University
  • Bonnie Barksdale Middle Tennessee State University
  • R. Stacy Fields Middle Tennessee State University


writing, Kindergarten, motivation


This article seeks to empower teachers to create a literacy environment in which children
begin to identify as writers: confident, willing to take risks, engaged, excited, persistent,
resilient, resourceful, and self-starting. The teaching methods provided in the article are
centered around the writer’s workshop model, applied in a Kindergarten classroom in the mid-
South, where the focus is on independent writing time and not a task completion. Writing was
viewed as a time to dive deeper into creating meaningful messages, work on writing craft, and
set goals as a writer. The methods discussed in the article can foster an environment where
young children can become self-directed writers, and nurturing within them the confidence to
share their stories with the world.



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