Enhancing Trilingual Learners' Performance on the STAAR Test: Strategies for Success with Constructive Response Questions (CRQs)
Constructive Response Questions (CRQs), STAAR test, Trilingual Learners, Instructional strategies, Rubric evaluation, Academic progressAbstract
This study investigates the performance of two trilingual learners: a fifth-grade girl from refugee parents and a seventh-grade boy with university professor parents, on Constructive Response Questions (CRQs) in the STAAR test. Employing extensive observation methods such as interviews and collecting writing samples, the research evaluates their CRQ samples using the STAAR rubric, focusing on organization/development of ideas and language conventions. The study presents instructional strategies tailored to these categories, including outlining, thesis formulation, logical flow, looping, a word association game, and peer editing. It highlights strategic plans, including the RACE strategy, the STAR strategy, and the RAPP strategy. Factors such as home environments, personal characteristics, and school atmospheres have impacted language learners' academic progress and writing proficiency. Ultimately, the study proposes four recommendations for CRQ essay preparation for children taking the STAAR test: getting acquainted with the test format and familiarize yourself with the rubric, understanding the prompt and examine the samples, strategizing your response with a plan, and managing your time efficiently. With consistent practice and application of these strategies, students can approach CRQ assessments with greater confidence and achieve success in their writing endeavors.
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