Literacy Coaching: Navigating A Transitioning Literacy Terrain
literacy , literacy coach, reading specialistAbstract
The terrain of Literacy education has undergone significant shifts since the enactment of the No Child Left Behind (NCLB) Act in 2001. Drawing on personal experiences and observations, the author examines how literacy coaching has evolved from its formative years post-NCLB to the present day in the wake of recent legislative actions surrounding House Bill 3 (HB 3). This manuscript reviews the timeless roles and responsibilities of Literacy Coaches in these changing times and addresses areas or distinct aspects of this evolving literacy landscape, highlighting strategies needed to support classroom teachers and promote student literacy achievement.
Additionally, this manuscript discusses the role of Literacy Coaches as they help teachers make sense of and implement evidence-based literacy practices associated with the Science of Teaching Reading (STR) or Science of Reading (SOR). It delves into technological advancements like AI, and its impact on student literacy development, proposing recommendations for Literacy Coaches and classroom teachers. Finally, it describes the importance of culturally informing literacy instruction in diverse classrooms, urging literacy coaches to support teachers in considering students' cultural and linguistic backgrounds in order to foster more equitable learning experiences.
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All copyright remains with the author.