Examining Educators' Perceptions of Video Demonstration Lessons in Literacy Professional Development



professional development, videos, instructional strategies, literacy strategies, leadership


This study examined the perceptions of participants regarding the use of embedded video demonstration lessons during literacy professional development sessions. The videos were captured in an urban elementary classroom and modeled two new literacy strategies. Based on survey responses from 160 kindergarten through fifth grade elementary school teachers and 117 school or district administrators and instructional specialists, the findings revealed positive participant perceptions and effective instructional use of the videos that modeled the implementation of the strategies in a relevant classroom setting. The analysis of the use of videos during the PD sessions was found to positively affect the instructional capacity of teachers to implement the strategies in their classroom settings. The findings also suggest that school administrators more positively understood the process of using the strategies to support the standards, resulting in increased leadership capacity. Implications of using specifically created videos to enhance clarity and credibility of PD for participants are discussed.

Author Biographies

  • Dr. Stephen Winton, University of Houston-Downtown

    Dr. Stephen Winton is an Assistant Professor of Literacy Education at the University of Houston–Downtown. He previously served as a Literacy Specialist in Klein Independent School District and has worked as a teacher, assistant principal, and curriculum director at other districts.  His research interests include reading comprehension, teacher clarity, the reading and writing connection, and video-based professional development. He supports the Advancing Community Engagement and Service Institute (ACES) in their partnership with University of Houston-Downtown to recruit university students to be tutors at local schools. He serves as an editor of English in Texas, the journal of the Texas Council of Teachers of English Language Arts (TCTELA). Stephen was the TCTELA President in 2020. He can be reached at [email protected].

  • Dr. Laveria F. Hutchison, University of Houston

    Dr. Laveria F. Hutchison is an associate professor of Literacy Education at the University of Houston. Her research informs K-12 teachers, teacher education candidates, and graduate degree candidates in acquiring content knowledge and inquiry capacity to enhance the academic achievement of all learners. Her research has an outreach to parents in assisting with home literacy practices. She can be reached at [email protected].

  • Dr. Jie Zhang, University of Houston

    Dr. Jie Zhang is an associate professor of Bilingual/ESL Education at the University of Houston. Her research interests focus on bilingual and biliteracy acquisition and inclusive STEM teaching for multilingual learners. She can be reached at [email protected].

  • Dr. Grace Lee, University of Houston

    Dr. Grace Lee is a Postdoctoral Fellow in the Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders at the University of Houston. She conducts research in the Child Language Ability Lab, where she studies eye-gaze pattern profiles in school-age bidialectal speakers as well as teachers’ perceptions of AAE narrative language. Her research interests lie at the intersection of language, power, and equity. Grace was an ESL teacher for many years and taught both abroad and in the U.S. in post-secondary and K-6 contexts. She can be reached at [email protected].


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