Differentiation Matters!
Six Successful Cross Curricular Strategies That Provide Process Support for African American K-6th Grade Learners
Differentiation, culturally relevant pedagogy, African AmericanAbstract
This article provides an in-depth examination of differentiation, instructional strategies that cater to all learners. Differentiation is beneficial when teachers are able to select content, process, and products that meet student’s needs. While teachers incorporate differentiation to modify instruction with struggling students, gifted and talented students, English Language Learners, and culturally diverse learners, this article specifically focuses on African American learners in K-6th grades. Elementary-level African American students can benefit from differentiation that include culturally relevant processes. Teachers of elementary grades must be prepared to teach all curricular areas including English language arts, reading, math, science, social studies, and history. English language arts, history, math, science, and social studies strategies are explored in this article. Recommendations have been made to make them culturally relevant pedagogy. Six strategies are introduced that provide examples of each of the recommended processes for various curricular areas that can be used with African American students.
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